Thank You

thank you for being there when i felt blue
thank you for your love,so true.
you dwell in my heart,you dwell in my mind
you are a diamond,one of a kind.
it's funny how i felt so much but could'nt say a word,
i was screaming inside but could'nt be heard!
indebted to you,i'm down on my knees
i'll always be swayed by your gentle breeze.
you've made me realise that there are still angels on earth,
that help you reclaim your life like a second birth.
tears trickle down my eyes whenever i miss you
i'd rather die than live without you.
i know you love me as much as i love you
evrytime you think of me,you miss me too!!
i'll remember you,please don't forget me.
i'll always cherish these memories,
these priceless memories.
i swear with every breath i inhale
and with every breath i exhale,
you've made a difference in my life,
i'm highly thankful to you!